Drosera capensis 'Alba' is currently on SALE! No minimums or code needed- while supplies last. Happy Growing đź’š
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care carnivorous cp dionaea dormancy fly trap flytrap


Venus Flytraps are one on the most recognized carnivorous plant on the planet. We even see them influence pop culture (think Mario Bros and Little Shop of Horrors). They have a reputation for being picky and difficult to care for but most of that comes from a lack of knowledge. Once you understand what the plants need and what they are telling you, you can grow them for years to come! First things first: Basic Care Watering: This is one of the most important pieces of information. They like to be moist and never dry out. Typically I like to...

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Dormancy FAQ

Dormancy FAQ

If you have been researching and learning about carnivorous plants, you might have come across the idea of dormancy. We get a lot of questions every year about dormancy and dormant plants so I thought I would try to answer some of the most frequently asked questions. What is dormancy? - It is when a plant will either stop or slow growth during unfavorable conditions. Think of it like plant hibernation. Do all cps go through dormancy? -Not every plant will go through a dormant period and not every plant's dormancy is the same. Generally tropical cps like nepenthes, some drosera, some...

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We are now taking plant orders!

We are now taking plant orders!

We have just started adding inventory to our shop! We will beginning shipping live plant orders the week of 2/22 but we will be watching the weather and planning accordingly. Check back often as our inventory will change as plants grow and become ready for sale- this is especially true of any of our temperate selections.

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Reopening for the 2021 season!

Reopening for the 2021 season!

This year we have been gearing up for the 2021 season. We have been repotting like mad, separating, propagating and seed sowing for months in order to be ready this February. That said, I'm not sure of a specific opening date as we usually wait until it starts to warm up, around the second week in February. We will see how the winter treats us and I will keep you updated whenever we know.    Make sure to keep checking back in as we will have new plants on offer this year, especially in the Collector's Corner!

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Flower from a Nepenthes ventricosa 'Red'

Flower from a Nepenthes ventricosa 'Red'

#itsaboy #nepennthesventricosared #hesgoingtobeadaddy #maturenepenthes #nepenthesflower Fun fact: Nepenthes are exhibit sexual dimorphism meaning that there are male and female plants. You cannot tell the sex of the plant until it flowers. The one pictured above is a male. You can tell by the rounded buds. You can also wait until the buds open to see if there is yellow pollen. When the flower of our female develops a bit more, I will post a comparison.  

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