Drosera capensis 'Alba' is currently on SALE! No minimums or code needed- while supplies last. Happy Growing 💚
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cp flytrap free giveaway nepenthes temperate vft

Time for a plant giveaway! 

I have two separate carnies that need a new home, one tropical and one temperate. All you have to do to enter is purchase $20 worth of plants between now and 8/19 and you will be entered to WIN!

Here is how it works: I will put everyone's name in a bowl and draw out one winner. I will contact you and you get to choose which plant you would like. Then I will pick another name for the next plant. Make sure when you place your order to include contact information like an email address or phone number. 

The tropical plant up for grabs is a Nepenthes sanguinea 'Orange'

The temperate option is this DM 'Red Dragon'

I just want to say THANK YOU for making the nursery possible! We are having a blast caring for all these amazing plants. 

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